Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Back to school!

Two posts within twelve hours... Sorry, but I locked myself out of the house and everyone is asleep, so this is what you get. Also, thanks for reading...

By the end of this week, or around the beginning of next week, I will be a college student again at Chapman University. It's been a life-long goal of mine to accumulate as many degrees as possible, and now I am in a great position to reach that goal (goal = a ton of degrees when I die).

I'm excited to re-embark on my quest "to follow knowledge like a sinking star, beyond the utmost bound of human thought". I'm also glad that I get to add a new facet to Lily's perception of me. She will now see me as a student, and now our entire family has that in common. We can all relate to each other as fellow academicians.

HOPEFULLY, this doesn't create an opposite and equal force that drives Lily to despise school. I think the chances are good, though, that she will see school as a positive experience, and come to enjoy it for herself.

I'm excited that our family will be growing together academically. I also have to give a big shout out to my very beautiful and very intelligent wife who will be completing her master's degree in food science this year. Without her, I would not have this chance to go back to school and fulfill my dream of being a perpetual nerd.

Thanks, dear.

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