Sunday, April 15, 2012


A lot has changed since my last entry. I am now a patrol officer at a local university. Some people think this means I'm a cop, but a lot more goes into being a cop than the prep work I did to get promoted.

That being said, at this time last year, I never would have thought that I'd be doing what I'm doing now. I had a feeling I wouldn't be teaching anymore. Not because I hated teaching, but because I hated all the politics of the public education culture. It was a game that I was bad at playing, regardless of my teaching abilities. Hence my departure from that realm.

Before you begin thinking this is a pity party, it's not. It's a statement about how fortunate I am to have a wife who is a master at social networking. It's a statement about how lucky I am to be in a position that I've wanted to be in my whole life... A job that I don't have to take home with me. A job that has a great retirement package. A job that allows me to go to school for free as long as I am an employee... A dream I've had since high school. I remember telling one of my high school teachers that I wanted to have as many letters after my name as possible. Now, by way of some unexpected turns of events, that dream is a reality.

On top of all this is the added bonus that in a few years, Heather and Lily get to go to school for free too. What more could a man ask for for his family?

Sure, I have to work some funky hours, but so far, that's been the worst part of my new job. If that's the worst of it, I can handle it. I'm less stressed than I've been in a long time, and now that I've completed my application, I'll be a college student again in a matter of a few months.

Lesson here: transitions may suck, but you never know what kinds of green pastures lay ahead. As the magnificent Monty Python troupe implores us, always look on the bright side of life.

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